Friday, October 13, 2023

Channels You Should Check Out Part 1

Some of these are my YouTube friends, but most aren't. I found them to be pretty similar to what I'm interested in.

1. ((( VWestLife )))

He makes videos reviewing technology from different eras; some old, and some new. He already has a pretty big following of 7,000 Subscribers, but I thought it would be interesting to show you guys one of my favourite channels.

2. coolboytrack08

He also makes technology videos, but also tutorial videos and sometimes even gameplay videos. He has around 30 subscribers and makes videos almost weekly.

3. Master JCV

He makes VLogs with his friends and his girlfriend and also gameplay videos like coolboytrack08. My favourite video by JCV is where he plays Call of Duty.

That's all for now, but I plan on making a part 2 soon.

Channels You Should Check Out Part 1

Some of these are my YouTube friends, but most aren't. I found them to be pretty similar to what I'm interested in. 1. ((( VWestLife...