Friday, September 29, 2023

New Videos Coming Soon

I might release a few videos soon. I will try my best to make them good quality and film them in HD resolution. My channel is, it's got almost 50 subscribers within the span of 7 years, but I haven't posted since last year due to school and stress pulling me down.

Edit: Here are the types of videos I might make:

- How to play CDs in your Xbox 360

- Minecraft Let's Play Series

- Technology Reviews (When I get a job, I might start producing content like this, but right now, I'm a bit too young to get a job at this time.)

- VLogging (I'm not really going to make this, it's more of just hanging out with my IRL friends)

- Funny Moments Compilations

Thursday, September 28, 2023

First Blog

Welcome to my Blog!

I'm new to this site; I don't know how to install templates, but I hope I'll be able to get a few friends from Skype to read these posts!

Anyway, here's a picture I took with my iPhone after driving my 4-wheeler.

(May take a few seconds to load cuz its 8 Megapixels :P)

Channels You Should Check Out Part 1

Some of these are my YouTube friends, but most aren't. I found them to be pretty similar to what I'm interested in. 1. ((( VWestLife...